Between March 4 and April 9 I took 13 flights, spent time in 6 different airports and spent several nights on couches and in hotels. Last weekend when I arrived home from San Francisco I woke up in the middle of the night and had no idea where I was, then I realized I was in my own bed. Ridiculous.
This was my view a lot last month |
One would think that I must have had the most exciting month ever jetting all over, but in reality it was the most stressful month I have lived in a long time. I was flying all over the country for interviews which meant navigating airports, public transit, meeting new people everyday, formulating engaging questions to ask when I had none and wearing a suit all day (uncomfortable). And to top it off these interviews lasted at least 6, and up to 10 hours. It was a crazy whirlwind.
Sculpture in Millenium Park, Chicago |
I am glad to have all of my interviews over, but I cannot breathe a sigh of relief yet. Now the time of waiting has commenced. All the schools correlated a day to tell you whether you are accepted, wait listed or denied to their program so decision day is also know as the most stressful day ever.
Since, I lost my job at the pizzeria for having to take too much time off, I have way too much time on my hands to be stressed and think about the future. Instead of sitting around and making myself crazy, I have taken up cooking and baking. I'm pretty sure I am gaining weight, but at least for a few hours a day I feel less stressed and I am becoming quite a good cook!
I have made indian, mexican, israeli, american, italian and vegan dishes. I have been making things I have wanted to do for years, but never had the time to. This week I plan to again make indian food and try my hand at gnocchi. Plus my roommate and I are hosting a brunch this weekend (the day before I find everything out).
I'm trying to turn my time and stress into something productive, but it is only a mild distraction. I can't wait until this is all over and a distant memory. I need to plan more than a menu, like my life.
Until then waiting, waiting, waiting, thinking, waiting....
And if you're hungry this week, please let me know what I can make you!